What Types of Cases Can an Employment Discrimination Attorney Handle?
Employment laws, at both the state and federal levels, protect workers from illegal acts of discrimination by an employer, co-worker, boss, or other supervisors. Although this discrimination in the workplace can take many forms, it often involves unfair treatment of workers which falls into categories based on factors such as:
- Race or national origin
- Sexual orientation
- Gender
- Religious affiliation
- Disabilities
- Age and more
Being singled out for unfair, abusive, and unlawful treatment if you fall into one of these categories is against the law. Licensed, experienced, and knowledgeable employment discrimination attorneys can help make a world of difference in these cases. We possess an intimate understanding of employment law and specialize in giving a voice to marginalized workers.
Seeking Resolution for Workplace Discrimination Violations in Texas and Louisiana
In both the states of Texas and Louisiana, workers have the right to fight against abusive and illegal workplace discrimination. However, filing a complaint alleging discrimination on the job can require extensive documentation and complicated paperwork. In most cases, this claim must be filed within 180 days of the date the discriminatory act, or acts, occurred. A case also requires an extremely detailed claim of the abuse you suffered based on your gender, race, ethnicity, sexual preference, or other protected category such as:
- Receiving an unwarranted demotion, or an unfair or derogatory performance review
- Being assigned to an undesirable work shift or having your commission reduced without cause
- Denial of a promotion when you are a well-qualified candidate
- Experiencing workplace reprisals and abusive physical or emotional treatment
- Being fired without cause
Due to the complex nature of these claims, it can be beneficial to work hand-in-hand with a team of workplace discrimination lawyers who have extensive experience in this arena. Although the Daniel | Williams Law Firm is a small office, we provide unique insight and fight for big results for our clients. No other firm has the care, compassion, and understanding as our team. If you have endured illegal workplace discrimination and harassment, reach out today and schedule a consultation with our employment discrimination attorneys.
When Do You Need an Employment Discrimination Attorney?
Working toward a successful outcome in an employment discrimination case can require the help of a talented employment discrimination attorney backed by years of experience in the courtroom. A knowledgeable employment discrimination attorney will not only help you understand your rights as a worker but can also help you navigate the complicated legal process involved in fighting for a settlement. Having a talented lawyer in your corner can sometimes make a considerable difference in the outcome you are able to achieve.
Each state’s job site discrimination process is unique and must be carefully reviewed to ensure a victim falls into a category protected by anti-discrimination laws. At Daniel | Williams Law Firm, our friendly gender discrimination attorney office has helped thousands of individuals just like you across the states of Louisiana and Texas. Collaborate with us today and let’s discuss the details of your case to help you decide how to best move forward with a claim. We can also help you figure out the right path to take to have the best chance of achieving the most successful outcome possible.

Employment Law FAQs
What should I do if I suspect my employer is conducting illegal activity?
The best thing to do is to talk to an experienced employment attorney quickly. You should also document as much about what has happened as possible. Save emails and text messages, talk to witnesses and write out a diary of events. Your employer will likely dispute your account, and the evidence you have can help you prove what happened — and what still may be happening. In some cases, you can also file reports to your HR department, the EEOC, or even OSHA for safety-related issues such as retaliation for refusal to do dangerous work.
What you may discover is that you are not at all alone. If the illegal activity has impacted you and your career, there are likely other employees who have found themselves in the same position. Getting their statements and accounts can help to establish a pattern of behavior. This is important if your employer tries to claim that what happened was a one-time event or a misinterpretation.
What Do Employment Lawyers Cover?
Employment lawyers cover everything related to the law and employment, ranging from creating legally-binding contracts to supporting employees who have been wrongly dismissed or unfairly treated.
When helping new clients, our staff will initially work to understand the issue and then review all the evidence. They’ll then be able to offer practical advice and start the legal process on your behalf. Our staff will take care of negotiations, handle all of the legal paperwork and even represent you in court, should it be necessary.
Aspects of employment law vary from state to state, which is why working with Houston-based lawyers like ours can help you to ensure that you get the best possible advice.
Was I wrongfully terminated/fired?
Wrongful termination can happen for many reasons. If you have a contract, it happens whenever the terms of that contract are breached. For instance, it may state that you can only be fired for cause, when your employer fired you for no reason, citing at-will employment laws. Your contract offers you protections beyond those laws.
While at-will employment does technically mean that anyone can be fired (or can quit) at any time, remember that you still cannot be fired for illegal reasons that violate your rights. Refer to the protected classes noted above (race, religion, sex, age, etc.). If your employer fires you due to your race, for instance, that’s still illegal even if you have no contract and you are an at-will employee.
Moreover, when companies have stated policies in place, even if they’re not technically in a contract, they still have to be followed. For example, your company may have a three-strikes policy that guarantees you two warnings before a firing. Therefore, being fired immediately and without warning could still be illegal, even though at-will employment laws allow it.
How do I know if I have been harassed or discriminated against?
There are protected classes in the United States, and harassment and discrimination typically violate your rights under one of these classes.Per the EEOC, they include:
- Race
- Religion
- Color
- Sex (along with gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy)
- Age (40+)
- National origin
- Genetic information
- Disability
Harassment can include everything from jokes to insults to physical contact. Discrimination may include things like failure to hire, wrongful termination, passing you over for promotions, and more. We will determine if your case has all of the necessary components.
The biggest thing that you should know is that your gut is often right. When things feel unfair and unjust, especially if the perpetrator is an employer or a supervisor, they probably are unfair and unjust. When your rights are violated, you need someone to stand up on your behalf. We can do that for you in any industry.
How Can I Tell If I’ve Been Wrongfully Terminated?
Wrongful termination occurs if your employer fired you in breach of your contract or for a reason that is not legally recognized. For example, employers cannot terminate your job because of your race, gender, or religious beliefs.
If you believe that you were wrongfully terminated from your job, then you should contact us. Our team of employment lawyers will review your situation and be able to offer you advice for the next steps in your case.
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Set Up Your Consultation with Our Employment Discrimination Attorneys Today
As a victim of discrimination in the workplace, you do not have a moment to lose. You need to begin the process of detailing your claim today by assembling documentation and working alongside a tough and determined racial discrimination attorney. Do not allow a discriminatory employer to get away with attacking your rights as a human being and a worker. Stand together with a passionate employment discrimination attorney right now and let us help you battle for justice and your human dignity.
Houston Office
Serving: Bellaire, Katy, Sugar Land, and all other areas.
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Serving: New Orleans, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and all other areas.